Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Metrolook.css"

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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Metrolook skin */
/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Metrolook skin */
div.vectorTabs li.selected a,
div#mw-head div.vectorMenu h5 {
div.vectorTabs li.selected a:visited {
/* @embed */
        color: #DCDCDC;
background-image: url("http://sandbox.stargate.wikkii.net/wiki/images/2/20/Vector_tab-break.png"); /* bordure (modifié) */

Revision as of 12:10, 22 January 2018

/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Metrolook skin */
div#mw-head div.vectorMenu h5 {
	/* @embed */
	background-image: url("http://sandbox.stargate.wikkii.net/wiki/images/2/20/Vector_tab-break.png"); /* bordure (modifié) */